Pasadena, CA 91185-5484

Frequently Asked Questions

All commercial and multi-family buildings with fire sprinkler systems are required to have monitoring alarms that report to a Central Station. In addition, schools, hotels, apartment buildings and large public assembly buildings require fully monitored fire alarm systems. All of the above require a separate fire alarm permit.

  • Encourages the proper maintenance of alarm systems
  • Reduces the number of false alarms
  • Deploys Fire Department resources in a more effective manner

New Residential Alarm Permit - $48.06

New Commercial Alarm Permit - $48.06

Annual Renewal of Residential or Commercial Permit - $48.06

Late Fee

A late fee of 15% shall be charged if the alarm user fails to pay the false alarm fines within 10 days of the due date.

False fire alarms shall be considered excessive when they meet or exceed the following number:

Two false alarms in any 30 day period

Three false alarms in any 365 day period

Fine for false alarms exceeding these numbers: $681.23 / each



Responding to false alarms takes finite emergency response resources away from actual emergency situations. In an effort to make alarm users aware of this problem and mitigate the incidence of false alarms, the City of San Luis Obispo enacted a False Alarm Ordinance (Municipal Code, Chapter 15.12). The Ordinance requires that all owners of an active alarm system (both residential and business) obtain and maintain an annual permit and pay fines to the City for excessive false alarm activity.

The alarm ordinance is posted online on this website - Chapter 15.12 - ALARM SYSTEMS.

Yes, you can pay for any fees due on your account via this website by clicking on the home tab and logging in with credentials initiated by APS/CitySupport and secured by the alarm user here:  San Luis Obispo Alarm Program Website


*Submit a written request/statement as to why you feel the charge and/or occurrence should be waived or removed from your account, along with any supporting documentation (police/fire reports, alarm company documentation, etc.)

*Submit via email using the Contact Us page.

*Be sure to include Permit License #, alarm location address, and incident date(s) in question.

*Submit within thirty (30) calendar days of the notice imposing the charge. 

Please email a notification of cancellation noting the permit number or alarm location address to: or call the alarm program help line: (888)865-9770.